
LOOK BACK (1/3 of your time)


Share a meal, or refreshment. Go around the group and introduce yourselves and talk through a “Get to know you” question.


  1. How did you obey?
  2. Who did you train?
  3. Did You share your story, or God's story with anyone?

Share the Simple Church Vision using the handout (click here for pdf)

LOOK UP (1/3 of your time)

Read Acts 2:36-47 to cast vision for being church together.

Read the Command: In Matthew 10:22, Jesus says…

Tell the Story: The persecuted believers from Acts 5:27-42

Retell the story together.

Read the story aloud.


Pray then use the Sword Bible Study Method to discuss the story and reveal its meaning for our lives.


Practice retelling the story or the 3-Circles.

Explore More:

  1. Who will be persecuted?
    • Matthew 10:16-33 - Every disciple of Jesus can expect persecution.
  2. What is our hope amidst persecution?
    • 2 Corinthians 4:5-18 - Our eternity is secure in Heaven.
    • Hebrews 12:1-2 - Fixing our eyes on Jesus, who faced persecution for us.
  3. How can we persevere when persecuted?
    • Matthew 5:11-12 - Don’t fear, but rejoice!
    • Matthew 24:13-14 - Keep proclaiming the Gospel until the end!

LOOK Forward (1/3 of your time)

OBEY - TRAIN - SHARE (never skip)

Have everyone in the group pray for the spirit to show them how to answer these questions, then make commitments, write the commitments down and share commitments with the group each week.

  1. How will you obey this passage?
  2. With who will you share your story or God's story with?


Pray and ask God to prepare the hearts of the people who will be hearing about Jesus this week. Ask him to give you the strength to be obedient to your commitments.