Our Prayer

We are praying and laboring towards hundreds to thousands of Simple Churches being planted in Denver and generating a pipeline of missionaries, vision, and work that would move around the globe. We are praying and laboring for Simple Church leaders to be raised up and able to oversee healthy movements. We are praying for the unreached people groups in Denver to be reached with the gospel and eventually sent back into their home countries as harvest laborers. And, we are praying and laboring towards a healthy, Holy Spirit-driven movement among the unreached in India and its 1.34 billion unreached peoples. 


It goes without saying, but it deserves to be said—all of “The How” is God. Prayer saturates this work; the Father has willed it, Jesus has purchased it, and the Holy Spirit brings the fruit. Our responsibility in this work falls into three channels:

  • Simple Church Global
    • Joe will take part in coaching health into current movements and among leaders in India, with an eye towards opening new work among other unreached peoples. 
  • Simple Church Local
    • Joe will be helping plant new Simple Churches in and around Denver while coaching existing Simple Church movements and catalyzing new work and new laborers. 
  • Restoration Church
    • All of this work will be done in partnership with Restoration Church (RST). The amazing benefit in that is that RST will provide oversight in the work, accountability in life and ministry, a team to accomplish the work, and a community to love and be loved! Joe will also get to serve on the RST Teaching Team for Sunday mornings and assist in Simple Church strategy through RST.


With Denver being the 10th largest downtown in America, the 5th fastest growing large city in the country, home to the 6th busiest airport, and being the 32nd most post-Christian city in America, gospel work couldn’t be more vital in this influential city. Add to that the fact that over a quarter of the area’s population speaks a language other than English at home, experienced cross-cultural gospel work is much needed.  The nations are here; the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 

In addition, on a global scale, India continues to be one of the most unreached countries on the planet. Of the 1.4 billion people that call India home, 95.1% of the population live as an unreached people group. Healthy multiplying churches are the vehicle God is using to bring eternal change to these dismal realities.


We are a family that loves and follows Jesus. We have been married for 11 years and have three awesome sons. We really enjoy being together as a family, being with friends, sports and fitness, Fall(!), hiking, traveling, and watching movies.